Most people know that Texas is home to the bulk of America’s oil and gas industry, and in the wake …
So much for a quiet Friday in late August. After weeks of relative slumber, gold traders were rudely awoken to …
When we commented back in March on the unexpected “going concern” notice in Sears’ 10-K which sent the stock crashing, we pointed …
Without question, President Donald J. Trump and the Republican-led Congress have a lot of work to do to restore the …
Millennials’ preferences are killing dozens of industries. There are many complex reasons millennials’ preferences differ from prior generations’, including less …
From Europeans heading west in the 19th century to immigrants searching for a fresh start, leaving home in pursuit of …
DAISY LUTHER, ORGANIC PREPPER–How often do you hear people talk about how they would live their dreams if they only …
Ron Paul’s sell-off prediction just got more severe. The former Republican Congressman from Texas believes escalating dysfunction in Washington will …
I remember the first budget I put together. It left me feeling depressed and feeling as if I had been …