As everyday Americans watch manufactured race chaos unfold all around them in the aftermath of the infamous Charlottesville false flag …
As they so often do, far-Left Democrats have overplayed their hand and created a monster that later threatens to destroy …
Late-night talk show host Jimmy Fallon was nearly in tears – or at least he tried really hard to look …
If you still believe that “anti-fascist” members of the Alt-Left group Antifa are largely harmless people who are just trying …
As the political divide in America continues to widen and deepen with opposition to President Donald J. Trump rising to …
First and foremost, it’s important to set the record straight once and for all – the violence and chaos that …
Could you imagine the reaction if conservatives had been rioting in the streets throughout the Obama years the same way …
Though Democrats and their Marxist puppet masters in the establishment media are attempting to memory-hole President Donald J. Trump’s very …
A much needed White House petition to officially recognize Antifa as a terrorist organization has reached 100,000 signatures, shedding some …
Just days after the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, an outspoken leftist who has …